Grow Your Business and Build Stronger Customer Relationships
We Give Manufacturers A Competitive Advantage! Add Profit and Capture More Customer Business Offering Manufacturing Assembly & Kitting without Complex Manual Inventory Calculations and Spreadsheet Costing Gymnastics. Pricing, Costs, Inventory Sourcing and Profits are Instant. The Built In Assembly & Kitting Module Instantly Determines:
- Quantities In Stock
- Decrease Time to Delivery
- Maintain Budgets and PROFITABILITY
- Alert Notifications
- Material Requirement Planning
- Quantities To Order with Percentage or Unit Increases
- Unit and Component Total Costs
- Calculate Unit Pricing Automatically
- Sourcing Options Are Generated Instantly
- Automatically Generate RFQs – Eliminates Redundant Data Entry and Errors
- Set Markups or Margins Instantly
- Inventory Availability, No Manual Quickbooks, Dynamics Adjustments or Errors
- Use The Currency Conversion Calculator for Global Currency Purchases and Sales
- Track Outside Services, Testing Or Contractor Services
- Easily Add Fees and Costs to the Sale or Purchase Before And After to Calculate Profit and Commissions
- Utilize Prior Order Data to Calculate Reorders
- Shipping, Receiving and Quality Control Requirements
This Ties in Seamlessly with Inventory, Billing, Receiving, Accounting, Contact Management Order Flow, Quality Assurance with real time Cash Flow, Profitability Analysis and Financial Controls. Business Distribution Software Customized by Experienced Electronic Component Industry Developers. Manufacturing and Distributors have the Freedom to organize as part of the Main Operation or Set Up and Track as a Separate Division.
That’s just the beginning. Our Development and Implementation Experts will Customize Rz to your Organizational Specific Requirements. Contact us for a demo today to see a Streamlined Distribution System.